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Seduced By The Alpha Wolf (Firefighter Wolves Shifters Book 4)

  Seduced by the Alpha Wolf

  Firefighter Wolves Shifters Series (Book 4)

  Brittany White

  Copyright © 2020 by Brittany White

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  I promised myself to never let anything come in the way of my destiny.

  Not even her… My fated mate.

  * * *

  I’m a firefighter and the new Alpha of the Shadowbrook wolf-shifter pack.

  It’s my job to hunt down our enemy.

  I remind myself of my mission every single day.

  No distractions.

  No second thoughts.

  But how do I stop thinking about Alicia?

  A sexy police officer with the same mission as me.

  We have a common enemy so that gives us a lot to bond over.

  Her long, gorgeous legs serve as a sweet distraction.

  That soft skin makes me forget about my real destiny.

  Things are complicated and being together might be a mistake.

  Especially when one last revenge is coming.

  * * *

  It’s us against our worst enemy and only one side will win.

  The question is, which one?

  * * *



  1. Jason

  2. Alicia

  3. Jason

  4. Alicia

  5. Jason

  6. Alicia

  7. Jason

  8. Alicia

  9. Jason

  10. Alicia

  11. Jason

  12. Alicia

  13. Jason

  14. Alicia

  15. Jason

  16. Alicia

  17. Jason

  18. Alicia

  19. Jason


  CODY (Excerpt)

  Chapter 1

  Also by Brittany White

  About the Author

  Exclusive Offer



  Jason Sullivan had just ended his shift at the fire station, and all he wanted to do was go have a beer. But, Ben Stokes - former alpha of the Shadowbrook wolf-shifter pack, which Jason was a member of - had called a pack meeting to elect a new alpha. Jason didn’t really want to deal with all the politics tonight. He was tired and wanted to relax after a hard day at the station, but he supposed electing a new alpha was vital given the current circumstances.

  The previous alpha and Jason’s best friend, Derek Hargrove, had lost his leg recently in a fight with the Shadowbrook pack’s mortal enemies, the Carnegie family. The bad blood between the Carnegies and the Shadowbrook pack went back over one-hundred-years when the humans who hated and hunted wolf-shifters stole the estate that had belonged to the pack for centuries. The pack got it back, of course, or Jason wouldn’t be here right now, but more recently a Carnegie descendant named Rebecca had reunited her family, and taken up their old cause against the wolf-shifters.

  The pack had been fighting the Carnegies for months and they’d lost more than a few members to them. It started a while ago, when the alpha at the time, Ben, sensed impending danger. Turns out the danger was Rebecca Carnegie, who kidnapped Ben’s human mate, Lana. The pack fought them off and got Lana back, so she and Ben could prepare for the arrival of their first child, but it didn’t stop the Carnegies from inflicting further damage.

  One of Shadowbrook’s pack members, Eloise, was murdered while she tracked the Carnegies through the October Mountain State Forest. That set off a spiral of events that led to the new alpha (Ben’s replacement and younger brother) Josh getting caught up in the chaos. Pack member Tyler blamed Josh’s human mate, Harper, for Eloise’s death and tried to run Harper off the road. This led to Josh and Harper moving to Boston.

  Recently, Jason’s best friend, Derek - with the blessing of the pack - stepped up to take the role of alpha. He felt guilty about Eloise’s death and wanted to further prove himself to the pack, and to the town of Lenox where they lived. Derek offered to help the police force track some local kids who went missing. In the process, he fell for sexy cop Grace Alcott, and he claimed her as his mate. Turns out, the Carnegies were the ones taking the kids, and brainwashing them to form an army to take out the pack. Derek called it in, and the pack and the Lenox police department rushed to where the Carnegies had the kids. Only the pack didn’t quite make it in time, as Derek took a bullet in the leg defending his lady love, Grace, who Rebecca Carnegie had tried to shoot.

  And that’s why Jason was stuck in a pack meeting instead of enjoying a nice cold beer.

  As Jason entered the main meeting hall of the Shadowbrook estate, he scanned the room and was shocked to see Josh had returned. Jason figured the situation must be serious if Ben had called his brother back from Boston. Standing between the two Stokes brothers was Derek, now in a wheelchair. Jason’s heart ached for his best friend, no longer able to shift and go running through the woods. Jason hoped his friend would find a way to transform into his wolf-self again. He couldn’t imagine living life never being able to become the animal he was inside.

  Ben called for silence and the murmurings of the gathered pack quieted down.

  “We all know why we’re here,” Ben said, as silence descended on the room. “We need to elect a new alpha, and it’s imperative we select someone with the strength to finish this fight with the Carnegies. Rebecca is still out there, and our pack will never have peace until she’s brought to justice. I cannot bring my child into this world when we don’t have peace.”

  “Why don’t you return as alpha?” Gavin called out. He was one of the oldest members of the pack and was second back when Ben’s father was alpha. Jason thought if anyone should lead the pack now, it should be Gavin. Jason thought whoever was elected, they’d have their work cut out for them with Rebecca Carnegie still on the loose. He didn’t envy whoever the pack chose.

  Ben shook his head. “I’ve had my time, I need to focus on Lana and the baby. The pack deserves a leader who can give their full attention, someone strong enough to ensure our safety for decades to come.”

  “That’s why I nominate Jason Sullivan,” Derek called out from his place between Ben and Josh, and Jason’s chest tightened.

  Derek had told Jason of his intention to nominate his friend as alpha while he was recovering in the hospital. Jason thought Derek was pranking him or that all the pain meds had made his head loopy. Apparently not.

  “He’s too young,” Kevin challenged. Kevin was another older pack member and always seemed to side with Gavin. He hadn’t approved of any of the recent choices for alpha, so Jason was unsurprised he was arguing against Derek’s nomination.

  Jason agreed with Kevin and thought he was too young. Sure, Jason was the same age as Derek, but Derek had more field experience than Jason. Derek was always challenging Ben and was more than ready to step up as alpha. Jason was not.

  “He’s the same age as I am,” Derek said predictably. “As previous alpha, it’s my right to choose my replacement.”

  “And don’t forget, Jason’s father and grandfather before him were members of this pack. Shadowbrook is in his blood. If anyone can lead us, it’s him,” Josh said.

  “Jason’s dad married a human and left the pack to be with her,” Kevin said. “I don’t think a half-breed should lead us.”

  Ben growled and his eyes flashed dangerously as he took a step towards Kevin. “Do I have to remind you my mate is human and she is carrying my child? I’ll have no more talk of half-breeds. If you’re not happy with the pack integrating with humans, and some of us claiming human mates, you’re welcome to leave.”

  “I think the fact Jason’s mother is human is even more reason to elect him as alpha. We’ve been too stuck in our old ways. We need to evolve,” Derek said.

  “Ben, listen to reason. I’m the oldest and most experienced shifter here. I should be alpha,” Gavin pleaded.

  “We should vote,” Josh said from the other side of Derek. “Derek has nominated Jason, and Gavin has nominated himself. The only fair way to decide who will be the next alpha is for the whole pack to vote.”

  Ben flashed a grateful smile at his brother. “I agree. We vote. Then no one can claim people are playing favorites or that the new alpha was elected unfairly. Everyone in favor of Gavin becoming alpha, raise your hands.”

  Predictably Gavin and Kevin raised their hands, as did about fifteen others. Jason did the quick mental Math and his spine went rigid.

  Fuck, he cursed under his breath. They can’t be serious?

  “And all in favor of Jason becoming our new alpha, raise your hands,” Josh said.

  Arms shot into the air and Jason started counting … fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen … twenty.

  “With a lead of three votes, our new alpha is decided. Congratulations, Jason!” Derek shouted, and those who had voted for Jason burst into applause.

  All Jason could do was stand there, wide-eyed, in shock.

  Damn, I really need that beer.

  Soon it became obvious that the pack was waiting for Jason to say something, and he rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously, suddenly feeling very warm. He was not expecting this and had no idea what to say or do next.

  Jason took a hesitant step forward, towards the previous alphas and joined them facing the pack, his pack.

  An image of Jason’s parents entered his mind. His strong dad and his soft, warm mom had created the perfect parenting balance together so that they raised Jason without being authoritarian nor coddling him. Then Jason recalled his granddad’s face, similar to his dad’s, but with more lines and signs of age, always with wise words to share with his grandson.

  Jason knew everything he was today was because of his family, his people. He’d had a pretty easy life, all things considered, and it was thanks to the influence of his parents and granddad. He didn’t have to grow up too soon like Ben and Josh had to when their father had died when they were young. And Jason had grown up with a loving family, unlike Derek, who Ben had adopted into the pack when Derek was fifteen, after Derek had killed his abusive father. Ben had done what he could to be a mentor to Derek, but he was only five years older than the teen shifter.

  It was Jason’s father and grandfather who really took Derek under their wings. When Jason’s grandfather passed five years ago, it hit Derek almost as hard as it had hit Jason. But, the best friends had gotten through it with support from each other. Ben and Josh had been huge sources of support as well. Jason knew if he owed his good upbringing to his parents and grandfather, he owed the time since becoming an adult, during which he had become a firefighter and learned what it really meant to be part of a pack, to Ben, Josh, and Derek.

  They had voted Jason as their alpha, and he knew he couldn’t let them down now.

  I have to make my parents, pack, and everyone else proud. I need to live up to the Sullivan Family legacy.

  “Thank you for your votes,” Jason said, he willed his voice to be as strong as possible. “I won’t lie, this is quite a shock. But you’ve all put your faith in me, and I won’t let you down. I’ll be the alpha Shadowbrook deserves.”

  Beside him, Ben, Derek, and Josh started clapping. Soon the whole pack, save Kevin, were clapping too. Jason was surprised to see that Gavin was taking the decision well and clapping with the others.

  When the cheering ended, the pack started to disburse, smaller groups going off to grab something to eat, or hang out in the rec room. Jason was starting to crave that beer again and wanted to slip away with the others when Ben’s large hand landed on his shoulder.

  “You did well facing them,” Ben said when Jason turned to meet his gaze. “I’m not going to sugar-coat it, with Rebecca Carnegie still out there, you’re not going to have an easy time of it. You need to be on your guard.”

  Jason nodded. “I will be. I just want to prove to you all you didn’t make a mistake electing me alpha.”

  “And you will, Bro,” Derek said, wheeling himself forward so he was beside Ben, gazing up at Jason. “I have faith in you. I meant it that day in the hospital when I said I can think of no one better.”

  Jason grinned. “Thanks, man.”

  “Don’t forget what else I said in the hospital,” Derek reminded with a smirk and Jason wanted to punch his best friend for bringing her up.

  “What’s this?” Josh asked, coming over to stand with Ben and Derek. Somehow he could always sense gossip, and of course, Derek - the great friend he was - was happy to oblige and fill them in.

  “He’s got the hots for that cop from Boston. You know, Grace’s friend, Alicia?”

  Ben quirked an eyebrow as Josh smirked. “I don’t blame you, man. If I wasn’t happy with Harper, I’d be asking that cop out for a drink. She’s hot.”

  Jason shook his head, trying to deflect the banter, as he felt the back of his neck heating. Unbidden, an image of Alicia appeared in his mind. The first time Jason had seen her, in the hospital after Derek was shot, she’d been in her uniform, which was pretty sexy, if Jason was honest.

  Who knew I had a thing for cops?

  But it was when he saw her at the Maple Inn a few days later that she really caught his interest. In her civilian clothes, Alicia was stunning. Her dark skin looked so smooth and soft, and Jason had wondered more than once what it would feel like to kiss her. But his favorite feature was her long, curly black hair. When he saw her at the hospital, Alicia had worn her hair in a braid, but that night at the Maple Inn, it had been down and natural. The perfect black spirals looked so soft, and Jason longed to run his fingers through them as his mouth claimed her lips, her neck, her breasts…

  “Oh my God, are you blushing?” Ben teased, jerking Jason out of his thoughts.

  Jason shook his head, trying to hide the heat flaring up in his body. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  Derek let out a howl of laughter. “He is. Jason man, you’ve got it bad. How are you going to keep your head in the game if you’ve got to work with her to find Rebecca Carnegie?”


  When Jason was elected alpha he hadn’t even considered that. The whole reason Alicia was in town, instead of back in Boston where she came from, was because the Boston police department had made her head of a special task force commissioned with finding Rebecca and arresting her on multiple counts of child abduction and endangerment. And as the Shadowbrook pack was also hunting Rebecca, Jason had no doubt he and Alicia would be working together closely.

  I won’t survive, Jason thought, once again picturing Alicia and imagining what it would feel like to hold her in his arms.



  Alicia Ripley settled on Grace’s couch with a carton of Chinese takeout, a glass of wine on the coffee table. For Alicia, it was nice to eat something not prepared at the Maple Inn, and it was even better to be spending time with her best friend. Grace had been pretty busy since her boyfriend Derek was released from the hospital and they’d moved into a new bungalow together. Alicia didn’t begrudge her, of course. The man took a bullet for Alicia’s best friend, so he’s a good guy in her books. But still, between Grace helping him adjust to his new life in a wheelchair and the couple being loved up, Alicia hasn’t seen much of Grace since she’d arrived in Lenox.

  Not that Alicia hadn’t been busy herself. The whole reason she was in town, ins tead of back in Boston, was because her police captain had Alicia leading a task force hunting down dangerous child abductor Rebecca Carnegie. Alicia has been poring over the Carnegie file for the past few days and by all accounts the woman was insane. Strike that, her whole damn family was crazy. For some reason, they had a grudge against the fire department situated at the Shadowbrook Estate.

  That’s another oddity in itself, Alicia thought. The whole fire department all live up there together.

  She supposed it made it easier to respond to emergencies, but Alicia couldn’t imagine living with her work colleagues.

  In the past few months, Rebecca and her deranged family had been attacking members of the fire department, starting when they kidnapped Fire Chief Ben Stokes’ girlfriend.

  So here Alicia was in small town Lenox, assembling a team to hunt down Rebecca Carnegie and whatever allies she might have remaining at her side. Alicia thought the change of pace from Boston was … something. Although the Carnegie case was the most high-profile case she’d worked on in her career, she found the difference between busy city life and quiet town life mind-boggling. Everyone knew everyone and no bit of gossip went uncovered. In the few weeks Alicia had been here, she had learned all sorts of private details about the townsfolk. For example, Ben Stokes had proposed to his pregnant girlfriend Lana; his brother Josh had run off to Boston with a marketing manager named Harper; and widowed Mrs. Martinez, who ran the post office, was eyeing firefighter Jason Sullivan as her next husband.